3 Symptoms That May Indicate a Ringworm

symptoms of ringworm

Ringworm is a type of fungal infection. The name comes from the shape of the rash that appears when the infection hits. Depending on its location on the body, it can go by different names, such as athlete’s foot or jock itch. The symptoms of ringworm can also differ, depending on where the infection is. Some symptoms though, remain the same throughout.

That Itchy Skin Feeling

Out of all the symptoms of ringworm, itchiness is usually the one to present itself first. It’s a common symptom across many types of ringworm. The infection will usually present itself within 4 to 14 days after contact with an infected person. The itching can be the first sign. It’s important not to scratch though, as this can spread the infection. When you scratch, skin particles get under yournails and can transfer to other people or surfaces.

Hair Loss & Scarring

When ringworm presents itself around the scalp or face area, this is where the symptoms of ringworm become more prominent. That’s because it can cause hair loss and scarring, depending on the extent of the rash it causes. It may start out similar to dandruff and advance to peeling and red raised areas. When the fungi invade the skin in that area, it can also affect the hair follicles. It makes them brittle and damaged, which cause them to break off and results in bald patches. It’s not just the scalp that this can happen to. It also affects people with beards.

A Ring-Shaped Rash

Out of all the symptoms of ringworm, this is the one that most people will recognize. A big red circular rash generally will appear. Within the circle, the skin can be red and bumpy. Occasionally a black dot will be prominent in the middle of it as well. When scratched, this rash can also bleed. Scratching may also cause scarring.


The symptoms of ringworm are important as this infection is something that can spread easily. Identifying and treating it appropriately can help to contain it. This can also stop the spread to others.

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