Fungal Skin Infections: Prevention Techniques

Fungi are microorganisms that exist all year, with a slightly higher frequency in summer, since heat and humidity create a conducive environment for their development. These are the organisms that lead to fungal skin infections.

Fungi are most common in the underarms, groin, feet and other parts of the body where wrinkles can form if, for example, you are overweight. This is because the areas mentioned tend to remain wet after excess perspiration or even after a visit to the bathroom.

There are many medications to deal with fungal skin infections, but your doctor needs to assess the situation and provide you with the proper treatment for the problem. Some recommendations should also be taken into account in order to better treat them and avoid their appearance.

To avoid these fungal skin infections;
  1. Avoid walking barefoot in damp places and do not use other people’s shoes or clothing.
  2. Do not stay with your wet clothes after visiting the beach or swimming pool.
  3. Dry your body, especially the part between the toes, armpits, and folds.
  4. If your feet sweat a lot, use talcum antiperspirants and cotton clothing to avoid the retention of moisture and heat. You can also use a hairdryer to dry the area between the toes.
  5. Avoid wearing very tight pants since they tend to increase the temperature and humidity of the vaginal area, facilitating the appearance of fungi.
  6. Use neutral Ph soaps; they will cleanse your skin and help in fighting against these microorganisms.

Natural remedies for fungal skin infections

  • Salt is very effective in curbing the development of fungi. When taking a bath, you can include a glass of salt in your basin of warm water.
  • The other way is to use sodium bicarbonate and a little water, to apply it to the affected area, let dry and rinse soon after.
  • The other solution is to submerge your feet in warm salty water with cider vinegar.

It would also be reasonable to reduce the consumption of sweets because they promote the growth and development of fungi. Moreover, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor in case of serious infections.


Fungus infections: preventing recurrence. URL Link. Accessed November 27th, 2017.

Emerging infectious diseases. URL Link. Accessed November 27th, 2017.

What Are the Different Types of Fungal Infections?

Natural Remedies That Fight Against Fungal Infections