What’s the Difference Between Inverse Psoriasis and Tinea Cruris?

It’s quite common to get two different medical conditions mixed up, especially if they share numerous symptoms. Sometimes this can be rather dangerous, as you might have a serious medical condition, while you’re thinking it’s just something mild.

One of the most common instances of being unable to tell one from another is inverse psoriasis vs tinea cruris. Let’s break them both down, so you can see the difference between inverse psoriasis and tinea cruris for yourself.

What Are They?

Psoriasis in itself is an autoimmune medical condition. It’s triggered when the immune system starts perceiving healthy cells as foreign to the body and attacks them. Inverse psoriasis is just one form of psoriasis. It commonly occurs in the areas of your body where skin rubs against skin, such as your thighs, armpit, and groin.

Tinea cruris, commonly referred to as jock itch, is a whole other thing. Yes, it does occur in the similar areas of your body, but is actually a type of fungal infection. It is triggered by a type of fungi medically referred to as dermatophytes.


This is where it gets hard to see the difference between inverse psoriasis and tinea cruris. They both usually involve red skin patches, itching, and an overall feeling of irritation. Tinea cruris is slightly different as it is characterized by fine elevated scales, medically referred to as demarcation.


Probably the most important difference between inverse psoriasis and tinea cruris is the treatment. Psoriasis can’t be cured permanently, but you can alleviate the symptoms by using oral medications and topical creams. Tinea cruris involves similar methods, but it can be cured.


The main difference between inverse psoriasis and tinea cruris is that the former has demarcation in the form of fine elevated scales.

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